The sentiment

  1. The sentiment people expres usually the person is express for actions the sentiment are as a state of mind that we present of an spontaneously like happiness or joy  sometimes is painful .Is presented by situations or by a person.You can choose how to feel depends on the situation you are going through.
  2. To background the sentiment is of part we  the part where they understand us.The sentiment sometimes it can be very strong as in some people that suffer from depression for the absence of a person or place
  3. How do you provoke?For a rection of your brain,you receive a signal in which you react in a sad way,happy,angry,among other.The part of the brain in which is caused just below the cortex cerebra in general is a process called limbic system that controls learnig the memory of this controls all our emotions.


  1. I like that topic because it speaks of something that can happen to anyone and apart from that the image draws much attention, but be careful when writing because in some parts of the text it did not make sense


  2. I like that topic because it speaks of something that can happen to anyone and apart from that the image draws much attention, but be careful when writing because in some parts of the text it did not make sense

  3. It's very interesting information, I did not know anything about this

  4. It is an incredible and very useful topic, Teach a lot of things that many people have to learn to apply in their lifetime.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I very like your test is very very true, the the feelings make us feel things that we could not imagine but the head thinks totally different.

  7. My opinion is, I like it because it has to do with the reality that the human being feels so that we all sense these feelings

