Teenagers and their changes...

Here i am going to tell you about “Teenagers and their changes”.
Resultado de imagen para niño y adolescente

We must be very attentive when talking about Young people so as not to fall into generalization: therefore, base don the comments, cultural origins of the prayers confirm or complement me as i will say. There are still common traits in the psychology and sociology of Young people around the world. The weight of the economic model of liberialism globalization, changes in the couple and the family, representations of sexuality , the impact of music,  television, film, internet influence and unity the juvenile mentality of almost all contries.  
Some teenagers possess some fragility although they are open avalilable and generous, the aspire to find the TRUTH but when they do not find it, they seek something closer to “Their inner self” activating their relationship with the society and the sense of interest general , and leaving aside the issue of teenagers.

 Some children (7-9 years) mature at an early age and lose precious moments of their lives to understand some problems in their enviroment, because society has subjected or pressured them too much to asume a behavior that dos not correspond t their stage of development. 


  1. I like your article because it is interesting because it explains the theme of the changes in adolescence and the different changes that occur.

  2. i am agree, because you mention a lot of the changes that a teenager have

  3. I agree with you, because teens are shown many changes because of their relationships with others, because they generate too many feelings making the teenager become sad and happy at the same time.

  4. I think your text is true because sometimes children should not mature at an early age and should relate to their childhood stage

  5. i agree with you. It's true we have a lote of changes in our lives, and when we are teenagers we are starting the changes in our body, no only physical aspect, the hormones too, and in my point of view is true that we have to enjoy our change.

  6. i like this
    i like the explanation to the years, the impact of music and more topics to changes in a teenagers
    i agree with you.

  7. i am agree because especially developmental stages, children begin to have physical and psychological changes

  8. Your opinion is true, because it is interesting to know that we are in a stage of changes not only physical but also psychological which in my part I think we have to take this stage a lot because not all life we ​​will be young. :')

  9. Your opinion is true, because it is interesting to know that we are in a stage of changes not only physical but also psychological which in my part I think we have to take this stage a lot because not all life we ​​will be young. :')

